Our Weekend Reads #04
Welcome to the latest edition of our Weekend Reads series.
Every week, we will publish a few articles that made it among our Top Stories. Like you, we are voracious readers, craving that extra bit of thought-provoking twist and careful use of words that make a great story. This is what we hope to pick for our readers every week. If you like what you see, you can sign up for a free trial of Murmel, and receive personalized daily picks in your inbox.
Here are the stories we picked for you this week:
This Is What Happens When There Are Too Many Meetings
Why a 9-to-10 is the new 9-to-5

Keeping Time Into The Great Beyond | NOEMA
The 10,000-year clock is neither a ‘frightening’ ‘distraction,’ as its critics scorn, nor the ‘admirable objective’ its fans claim. It’s something else — a monument to long-term thinking that can unlock a deeper and more thoughtful spirit of interpretive patience.

Windows 3.1 Turns 30: Here’s How It Made Windows Essential
30 years ago—on April 6, 1992—Microsoft released Windows 3.1, which brought the company to a new level of success, kept the PC platform competitive with Macs, and set the stage for Windows PC domination. Here’s what was special about it.

The Beatle Who Got Away
Revisiting Stuart Sutcliffe’s role in the band’s breakthrough.

The future of literature is video games
Or is it the other way around?

Agile and the Long Crisis of Software
What is Agile? And where does it come from?

If you have reached this far, here are a couple of older, but just as interesting picks:
When New York City Was a Wiretapper’s Dream
Eavesdropping flourished after WW II, aided by legal loopholes, clever hacks, and “private ears”

If The Desert Was Green | NOEMA
Mass tree-planting programs in the desert often cause lasting damage to the ecosystems they are purportedly trying to repair.