Happy Holidays!

Dear friends,

We hope you are enjoying the holiday warmth with the people that matter to you. We wanted to say a big thanks to you for believing in Murmel. This means a lot to us. What's more, it means that we have accomplished the first step in our mission - delivering objective and timely information to those who need it most.

We cannot wait to see what our efforts, combined with your active support are going to achieve in 2022.

We are proud of what we have achieved in only a couple of months, but the bigger is yet to come. 2021 was a year of betting on which direction will move us forward on our mission. We hope that next year will be a year of keeping the best of what we have learned, while moving forward on our promise to report relevant information in the most objective ways we can.

We look forward to seeing you around in 2022!

The Murmel Team